2782 Lake Retreat Dr
Luxury Single Family Home in Fairfax County
2782 Lake Retreat Dr
Herndon, Virginia 20171
Move in by Year End! East-facing and close to lake access! Includes a designer kitchen, finished lower level, 3-car garage, rear-covered porch and backs to tree preservation area!
*Mortgage calculations are for illustrative purposes only, contain samples and estimates, and do not necessarily reflect all potential HOA fees, real estate taxes, homeowner’s insurance, hazard insurance, mortgage insurance or special assessments. Actual loan interest rates and payments are based on multiple factors including market conditions, points, loan amount, loan-to-value, borrower’s credit, property type and occupancy. This is not an offer to lend.
Interactive Floorplan
Please note, this home has pre-selected options listed in the description above and may vary from the displayed floorplan. Contact your sales manager for full details.