701 N Henry St #214
Luxury Condo with Year End Move-in!
701 N Henry St #214
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Embrace city living at the Aidan at Old Town! With a Dec ‘24/ Jan ’25 estimated completion, you can enjoy the 2-block proximity to the Metro and abundant shopping and dining while immersing yourself into city-living in a short time! The Aidan is a brand-new, luxury, mid-rise building, bringing 94 residences to the community. Situated in the heart of Old Town just two blocks from the Braddock Metro station, and less than a mile from the Potomac River waterfront, the Aidan at Old Town boasts a 96% walkability ratio. This upscale development features a range of community spaces including a courtyard and rooftop as well as ample green spaces spread around the building. Residents can enjoy staying active at the spacious fitness center or practicing yoga on the courtyard’s tranquil lawn. In the evenings, take advantage of the outdoor grilling area and private rooftop terrace for dining with a view. The Aidan’s wide array of floorplans showcase soaring windows and high-end finishes. This D floorplan offers 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, Bosch stainless steel appliances, hard surface flooring throughout, a kitchen with generous cabinets, and a 100+ sqft private balcony where you can enjoy the peace and quiet from the City overlooking the courtyard. Incentives are being offered for a limited time while under-construction, please reach out to a Community Sales Consultant to learn more.
*Mortgage calculations are for illustrative purposes only, contain samples and estimates, and do not necessarily reflect all potential HOA fees, real estate taxes, homeowner’s insurance, hazard insurance, mortgage insurance or special assessments. Actual loan interest rates and payments are based on multiple factors including market conditions, points, loan amount, loan-to-value, borrower’s credit, property type and occupancy. This is not an offer to lend.
Please note, this home has pre-selected options listed in the description above and may vary from the displayed floorplan. Contact your sales manager for full details.