The Robbins

4-6 Bedrooms
4-6 Bathrooms
3,427-4,316 Square Feet

The Robbins

NOW SOLD OUT! Discover the best in Delaware coastal living at Windward Village, a premiere luxury single family community walkable to Bethany Beach and less than a mile from the Assawoman Canal! This coastal collection home will boasts nearly 4,000 sq. ft., 5 bedrooms, and a 3-car garage in a prime location. Enjoy modern open and spacious main-level, covered front and rear porch, 2nd-story porch, 2-sided fireplace and so much more! Contact us today!

*Plan details and features vary from floorplan to floorplan and from community to community and are subject to change at any time. Community, plans, pricing and amenity details and dimensions are approximate and subject to change. Builder specifications are subject to revision or substitution of equivalent materials without notice. We reserve the right to substitute equipment, material, appliances, and brand names with items of equal or higher value, in our sole opinion, value. Contact the community sales manager for the latest information.

Interactive Floorplan

Plan your space with our interactive floorplan! Use this tool to explore the floorplan further and visualize your space with a variety of design options and furniture tools!